Monday, 9 July 2012


Matt taught the class about how water can get into an external wall on a house or a shed.Whether it be weather boards or iron cladding.There are 4 ways water can get into a wall.

-Capillary Action.
-Kinetic Energy.
-Surface Tension.

Wind can push the water up into the cracks or grooves in the weather boards or iron cladding.Gravity lets the rain run down the boards on the outside,Whilst Capillary action is when water is obsorbed and seeps it's way up through the timber.There are 4 ways to weather proof a house or building.They are known as the 4 D's.;Deflection,Drainage,Drying and Durability.

Materials that have absorbant properties,Bricks,Clay tiles,Stone,natural roofing and twitch.These obsorb water,while the remainder of the water drains down the face of the materials.A ventilated Cavity allows the water that penetrates the cladding to drain down the inner face of the outer skin.A water proof wall wrap acts as a second line of defense against water ingress,A wall wrap must breath to allow vapour to escape.

Ceiling Battons.
After the small session in class.We all vacated back to the house build.We started fixing the weather boards to the house,Matt made up a guide as to where the chalk lines were to be snapped to on the wall wrap.Then galv Jolt heads,75mm were used.All the joins were mitred.They were directly fixed as the soffiets were 600mm wide.Therefore no cavity batton was needed for the build.Most of the ceiling battons are now installed.They were spaced at 600mm centers.As the Gib boards are 1200mm wide.The windows arrive this Friday ready for us to go ahead and put them in.We will also be finishing the remainder of the facia and soffiets then onto the rest of the weather boards.

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