Tuesday 27 March 2012


Today we started the build,We had the building all outlined out on the ground using a chalk line.Once that was achieved we started cutting the timber to the required lengths for sole plates to fit the chalk lines.We had a 5mm gap inbetween the sole plates.Once this was all sorted out we went ahead and used the dyna drill to drill through the timber and into the concrete,after that we got the rattle gun and bolted the sole pates to the ground.The builders level and tripod was set up and I took measurements of each pile mark on the sole plates,these measurements were given to the person using the radial saw who cut the timber and then they were passed on to be nailed together.The next step was to measure out the piles.The in and over measurement was used to get them all in the correct place.2195mm distance for each pile.The piles were 3 bits of 4x2 timber nailed together.A nail gun was used to secure them to the plates.

Sole Plates.
Piles nailed to Sole Plates.
I went with my group and Mark next door to learn how to see if our builders level is doing the job it should be.We stationed the level and marked down three different vantage points.Once I had got the three points we re-stationed.Then went back and put new marks underneath the previous then measured the distance,our measurements were the same so it was bang on,If it wasnt then it needs to be sent away for a calibration test.

Me after I set up the builders level.
Our building has to comply with NZS 3604 for safety reasons."Basically the Builders Bible".

The tools I used today were,Builders Level,Tripod,Tape measure,Chalk line,Radial Saw,Rattle gun,Dyna drill,and a hammer.

We went over a few safety matters with the Radial Saw,Ear protection is to worn as it is quite loud,Safety glasses are to worn as the tip on the teeth could fly off and also wood chips or splinters can have a great effect on your eyes.Having the appropriate distance for your hand/arm away from the saw.No baggy clothing is to be worn,No stupidity while using this power tool as there could be serious consequences.Off cuts are to be put into the wood bin.Never cut timber with nails,as kick back can occur.

Matt taught us how to calculate the amount of bearers and piles we need for the build.We were taught the "In and Over"Calculations method.For example,For the Piles,Our length of our bearers are 15500mm,so 15500mm-135mm =15365,"The 135mm being the length of the pile" 15365mm divide by 7 piles = 2195mm  that's the distance between each pile.
Theodolite,A theodolite is a percision tool used mostly for surveying.These are used for measuring angles in horizontal and vertical planes.It is mounted onto a tripod with a screw underneath that mounts it on.The theodolite has 3 tilting disks to get it level.These are used on steep hills where it would be inappropriate to set up high profiles.

Laser Level

The laser level,is fixed to a tripod.Laser levels self level themselves so no tilting disks are needed.These only need one person to operate them,making the job fast and easy,A movable sensor is then used to get the correct heights.A beeping noise is usually going off when it is at the right height.

Builders Level

This is also set up on a portable tripod,The tripod is pushed into the groundand set to the correct height for the user,the level is then installed on the top with a bolt underneath,once this is done the tilting screws are then to be used to get the setup all level.A staff is then used by another person who is to have it standing straight at each spot level.so the reader can gain the numbers from the staff and determine the correct heights needed for a build.

Line of Collimation
This is the main line in the builders level used to read the numbers off the sopworth staff.

Stadia Lines
These are the lines above and below the line of collimation,These are used to gain the numbers on the sopworth,When the first number is seen accurately it is recorded,this process is then repeated for the next stadia line,once there are two numbers,it is the top stadia minus the bottom stadia,then the answer is x100,This gives you the distance from the builders level to the staff holder.

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