-Gear Used;Router,Clamps,Nail gun,Radial Arm Saw.
Brand New tool kit! |
So today we continued with the build after our week break,My group got the task of nailling in support blocks under the framing blocks inbetween the joists,the blocks were 442mm long two of the corners were cut so we could get them on the inside of the joists.Once these were installed,we headed out for smoko,when we returned.We were all given our tools,I set up my chalk line ect then moved on to using the router.I used the router to cut out like a 3mm-5mm chunk for the nail plate where the bearers are to be connected.I used a guide/Stencil that me and Brad made,so error could not occur.I wore ear and eye protection whilst using the power tool
.Also the stencil was clamped to the bearer.Once these were done nail plates were nailed in,3 nails on each side of the plate to give it that strength to hold.The string line and dodge and block were set up to check how accurate the joist barriers were.Brendon used the sledge to knock the joist barrier back into place.The next task will be to strap the Joists in place.Then on with the flooring.
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