So this morning our groups were all given individual tasks,2 groups were working on the flooring boards.My group had the Joist exercise,We had to cut 2 bits of 4x2 into 330mm lengths and another 2 into 480mm lengths.I used the radial arm saw to do this.Once this was achieved.Mark issued us with our new stones,we had to wet the stones then leave them in the sun to dry out.After this I was shown how to sharpen my chizzles.Putting the curved edge on the stone and raising it on a 5 degree angle and sharpening it on the stone in a figure of eight motion.The next step was to find the center of the timber and measure 150 on each side,so a total of 300mm.I done a half housing joint and an angle joint,these had to be tight,otherwise they were to be redone,I had to re do so many times to get it right.Finally I got there.
Joist join. |
Using my chizel for the first time. |
2nd part of the joist exercise using chizels. |
After finishing the joist exercise,I moved on to helping out with the flooring.Gorilla Glue,We had 30minutes to place the flooring board down before it started to cure,Once the board is done,it takes approxamately 2hrs to cure once layed down into position.The glue is applied to the Joists with a Glue gun,the glue comes out in a paste.The boards are then nailed down with the air compressed nail gun,with galv 75mm nails,these nails are used because it is subflooring and moisture lurks under housing so these nails will not rust.Every 150mm nails were driven in to give it that extra strength.Chalked stringlines were put down so we knew where the joists were under the flooring for the nails.The boards were hit with a sledge hammer to get them flush.We will finish the flooring next week.
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