As soon as class started today I was given the task of cutting one of the last boards for the floor,I got a couple of stands out for the board to sit on,then got the skilsaw,Eye protection was worn along with grade 5 ear muffs.5mm needed to be trimmed of the side,so i added 39mm because of the distance between the blade and the guide,and cut it.The cut was accurate,next up it was glued down and nailed with the paslode.Nail punches were used to force the nails deeper into the board.
Me,Brad and Liam were then shown how to mark out the lines for the walls.We used a chalk line to accurately get the lines in the correct place.All the bottom plate lines were marked so the framing is ready to be put together for the walls.things are really coming along quite nicely now.
I then moved onto finishing up my oil stone box.
The tools I used were,chizels,hand plain,hammer,rule,builders square
Finished Box. |
Plans for the Oil stone box.
Chizzled sections for the stone to fit in.
I marked the lines on the lid,then used a plain on a slight angle to edge the top of the block into a roof shape.Once it was all even I had then finished the top.The bottom was also finished today,all that was required was to chizel to the marked lines,I then gave it a light sand to smoothen it up.I am happy with the finished product.
Side on view.
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