Tuesday 26 June 2012


So today we learnt how to work out the length of iron needed for our roof build.And how many sheets we needed to cover the entire roof.We worked out that we needed 24 sheets for the job.We also worked out the amount of builders wrap we needed to.

We moved back to the build,Me and Brad finished our side of the house installed all the outriggers to the soffiet bearer.We used blocks to lever the outrigger just above the stringline then nail them off into place.Once that was done we helped the others out then I moved on to measuring and cutting out bearers to fill in the gaps under the width side of the house.I skew nailed the two pieces of timber together.Then clamped them under the Boundary joists then nailed them home.Using 4 inch galv nails.We did this so that there is a fixing for the weather boards to be attached to.Brackets and straps will also be used to stop movement making the building a lot more stable and sercure.

Other members of the class were told to screw off brackets to each of the piles under the house.While the rest of the class were fixing up a few hurricane ties that were all mangled,Half of the ties weren't fully nailed off.Then all the rooms were checked for square and the walls checked for plumb.A straight edge and level was used for this.So now finally the house out riggers are all finished.

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