Tuesday 22 May 2012


Me,Tom and Phil went out to Mt Bigs school with Dave today to work on an extentionFirst off we stopped off at Placemakers to pick up a few items such as nails,6 sheets of ply,H4..My jobs were to get measurements of the studs lining up with the rafters that slope on 8 degrees.Skilsaw was used on an 8 degree angle to trim the top of the stud so it would fit into place.4 inch nails were used to hold them in place.Dwangs were 355mm in length and were hand nailed in as the nail gun had no battery left.The ply on one side of the building was nailed off and finished.Now that the studs are all in place along with the dwangs it is ready for ply.

We then returned back to class,All of the house walls are now erected in place.I measured the large opening in the lounge for the big window.Turned out that the top of the opening was out 15mm and the bottom was out by 60mm,Which is a massive problem!,I used a sabre saw to cut through the nails holding the studs in place.Ear protection was used while cutting.Once these were out we re-marked the bottom plate.Hammered the studs to the right spots and nailed them into place,ready for the window to be put in.

Cam and Matt then picked up that the top plates on the exterior wall on the wet area side was out by like 5mm.This was fixed so now we have to string line our internal walls and then get them all plumb.A peice of 4x2 was used to move the exterior wall while we got the doger block all sorted and in place.

Exterior Walls.

One of the main walls in the hall way.

Photo taken from the lounge.

All walls are stood.
The walls went up quite fast as the numbering made it easier,We later on found out that the linen cupboard wall was not made up,So we are now in progress with the making of that wall.The internal walls are braced from the top plate to the exterior top plate.

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