Tuesday 29 May 2012


So this morning,I went back over all the internal walls to see if the walls were plumb,A few were out mostly because the Trusses were put up yesterday.One wall was out 15mm at the top.The tack was removed and the wall was moved to the correct position.Then the air compressed nail gun was used to nail the wall to the blocking.After all the walls were checked for plumb.Me and Regan were told to rip some timber down at 21mm and 25mm thick lengths of 1995mm for packing in the lounge door frame,To do this we went to the joinery class to use the table saw.

We then nailed the packing lengths to the frame and removed the trimmer studs,A 10mm cut was made on the bottom of the lounge door frame so that when it comes to cutting the bottom plate for the door so You don't go cutting into the finished floor.The frame was then stood and tightly fitted between the hall way walls.A straight edge and level was used,then we used the 3.4.5 method to get a 90 degree angle,1200mm at one end,900 at the other and from each end point they should meet at 1500mm.Then the frame was nailed home.

After lunch,Me and a few others decided to fit the end dwangs to the frames,since all the walls are Plumb and square.For this I used the as powered Nail gun.I had to mark where some of the new dwangs were to go as there were no marks on some of the studs.

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