Monday 20 August 2012


So today I had to go up onto the roof and finsh the last side.We laid all the sheets of iron out on the ground and marked it all out with a straight edge and whiteboard marker.We don't use pencil as we found out that the water will make it rust because it is made out of graphite.Once all was marked out,we then used the nibler to cut the marked lines.We then used the offcuts from the otherside of the building.I used the same pattern for the screws.screw one in,miss 2,screw one in miss 3.Chalk lines were used again to ping where the purlins are under the sheets.

The corner scribers are all cut to the right lengths and primed up.The batts all arrived today,So we will be getting stuck into the flashings,and batts tomorrow.Then we should be doing Gib and the rest of the flashings.

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